This is my first post.I was strictly a Klipsch guy.I ended up getting 2 21 Tekton drivers that I had housed in 2 12 cu ft. cabs.I was originally using the Tektons as subs with the main speakers being Khorns.The Khorns were a dissapointment to me.So. to make a long story short. I got a pair of 2482s w2350 horns.I have a chance to get a pair of 2360as.First. will the 2360as match upSecondly. does anyone have an opinion on either.It seems that from what I read. he wave harns(2360as)make the driver more effecient(more db.s).Im planning on putting the horns on top of the Tektons use a pair of Fostex T90as or T900as for tweeters.Any all suggestions are greatly appreciated.Tim.